On November 3rd Women in Science is hosting a Computer Science Allegheny Alumna, Kimberly Madia, from IBM. Her hour-long presentation, titled "It's Time for Action - From Big Data Management to Real-Time Insights'', will start at 4:30pm in Carr 239.
The event is open to all of the Allegheny Community.
Due to limited space, please RSVP for this event by completing the survey here.
The event will begin at the Department of Computer Science coffee and tea session from 2:30pm - 3pm in Alden Hall. A round-table discussion will follow from 3:15pm - 4pm in Carr Hall room 239. The event will conclude with the presentation by Kimberly Madia from 4:30pm - 5:30pm in Carr Hall room 239.
It's Time for Action - From Big Data Management to Real-Time Insights
In a hyper-connected world, business models are under constant pressure, customers are even more demanding and connected, and competitive advantage increasingly comes from great relationships. Staying relevant across every channel and looking for innovative solutions to streamline operations depends upon one thing – deriving deeper insights from new sources of big data. Learn how to turn big data to create entirely new value, maintain relevance, and garner greater operational efficiency for game changing results. Understand technology available to help act on strategic insights quickly, simply, and confidently.