The Fall 2013 Gator Day will be held on Tuesday, October 29. Please join the Department of Computer Science for the following events. See the Gator Days page for an overview of past events and a flyer for the upcoming Gator Day.
11:00 am - 12:30 pm in Alden 101
A panel of Allegheny Computer Science alumni will give brief introductions describing where they work, what they do, and how they got there, and then will answer questions about the job search process, professional development, and life after Allegheny.
1:30 pm - 2:45 pm in Alden 102
This event will be an introduction to three-dimensional (3D) printing technology that will allow students to use computer software and hardware to view, modify, and fabricate digital models. With support from the presenters, interested students will be invited to use a 3D printer to create their own physical objects.
1:30 pm - 2:45 pm in Alden 101
Do you wish that your smartphone or tablet had a certain feature or kind of app? Are you interested in mobile app development, but not sure where to start? The presenters for this event will answer these and other questions to start you on your own app inventing adventure.
1:30 pm - 2:45 pm in Alden 109
This presentation will feature a brief introduction to the field of robotics, followed by a demonstration of the robots that we have in the Department of Computer Science. Participating students are also welcome to interact with the robots, learn about the robot’s hardware and software, test the robotic operating system, and run robot demonstrations.