You are cordially invited to attend the upcoming session of the Research in Computer Science Seminar (RICSS), jointly sponsored by the Allegheny College Student Chapter of the ACM.
Please pass this invitation on to other students, staff, and faculty members who would be interested in attending the upcoming talk. Since the session is at lunch time, all attendees are encouraged to bring their lunch to the presentation.
Light refreshments will be provided!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Campus Center Rooms 301 and 302
12:00 noon - 1:00 pm
Phil McMinn, University of Sheffield <http://philmcminn.staff.shef.
Search-based Software Testing: Automating Software Testing Using Heuristic Algorithms
Software testing is a demanding, laborious and expensive process that involves tasks that are difficult to automate. This talk introduces search-based testing, a technique which reformulates testing problems as fitness functions, so that classical optimization techniques such as Genetic Algorithms may be used to address them. Instead of exhaustively enumerating the set of possible solutions to a problem or attempting to solve a limited version of it perfectly, search-based approaches instead seek to evolve solutions that are 'fit for purpose' -- as dictated by the fitness function.
Presenter Biography:
Phil McMinn is a Senior Lecturer in Computer Science at the University of Sheffield, UK, where he has been a faculty member since October 2006. He was awarded his PhD from Sheffield in January 2005, which was funded by DaimlerChrysler Research and Technology. McMinn's research interests cover software testing in general, program transformation, and agent-based systems and modelling. He has published many papers in the field of search-based testing, including a survey paper that, according to Google Scholar, has been cited nearly 600 times.
All are welcome to attend!