ACM Officer Elections

The ACM will be holding elections for officer positions on Wednesday April 7th at 4:30 in Alden 101. The positions available are President, Vice PresidentTreasurer, and Secretary. If you are interested in running for a position or have any questions, please email  If you are not interested in running for a position please attend the elections to cast your vote and support your colleagues.

Why Become an ACM officer?

  • ACM is widely recognized as the premier membership organization for computing professionals
  • organize and host awesome events and guest lectures
  • gain leadership experience
  • add leadership experience and involvement with an international, professional organization to your resume

Positions Available

  • President:  responsible for organizing events and leading officers meetings
  • Vice President:  assists the president and is responsible for helping run events
  • Treasurer:  liaison to ASG who is responsible for maintaining the budget and submitting reimbursement requests
  • Secretary:  takes minutes at officer meetings, sends email announcements about events, and creates flyers for events