The Department of Computer Science invites applications for a tenure-track position beginning Fall 2008. Qualifications include a Ph.D. in computer science. Applicants with interests in graphics, media computation, computational science, or data management and security are preferred; however, candidates from other areas of computer science will be considered.
Applicants must provide evidence of ability to teach effectively at the undergraduate level, commitment to liberal arts education, and continuing contribution to the discipline. Responsibilities include teaching and advising undergraduates, guiding students in senior research projects, and contributing to the college-wide freshman/sophomore seminars that emphasize speaking and writing. Salary will be competitive; start-up funds are available. Rank will be commensurate with credentials and experience.
Allegheny College is a highly selective private liberal arts college with a dedicated faculty of teacher-scholars. Information about the Department and its traditional and applied computing majors is available on the Web at
Send letter of application, vita, statement of teaching and research interests, applicable transcripts, and arrange to have three letters sent from references, at least one of whom can comment on teaching, to: Dr. Robert S. Roos, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Computer Science, Allegheny College, Meadville, PA 16335; email:
Review of applications will begin immediately. Allegheny College is an Equal Opportunity Employer with a strong institutional commitment to develop a diverse faculty and staff. Women and members of other under-represented groups are especially encouraged to apply.