Dear Faculty and Students,
You are cordially invited to attend my PhD dissertation defense: A Comprehensive Framework for Testing Database-Centric Software Applications
The database is a critical component of many modern software applications. Recent reports indicate that the vast majority of database use occurs from within an application program. Indeed, database-centric applications have been implemented to create digital libraries, scientific data repositories, and electronic commerce applications. However, a database-centric application is very different from a traditional software system because it interacts with a database that has a complex state and structure. This dissertation formulates a comprehensive framework to address the challenges that are associated with the efficient and effective testing of database-centric applications. The database-aware approach to testing includes: (i) a fault model, (ii) several unified representations of a program's database interactions, (iii) a family of test adequacy criteria, (iv) a test coverage monitoring component, and (v) tools for reducing and re-ordering a test suite during regression testing.
Dissertation Director: Dr. Mary Lou Soffa (University of Virginia)
Dissertation Committee:Dr. Bruce Childers (University of Pittsburgh), Dr. Panos hrysanthis (University of Pittsburgh), Dr. Jeffrey Voas (SAIC)
Additional Information:
Date: April 19, 2007
Starting Time: 1:00 pm
Location: Sennott Square 5317
To Pittsburgh Campus:
To Department of Computer Science:
Maps of Sennott Square:
Please pass this invitation on to others that might be interested in attending. I truly look forward to seeing you there!
Kind Regards,
Greg Kapfhammer